Chapter Board of Directors

President William Sievers 
Engagement - VP Nilam Panchal
Secretary Sherry Morse
Treasurer Robert Hulin
Student Relations Kim Shima
Webmaster Robert Hulin

Need for Board Members

The East Bay - Northern California Chapter is still looking for additional volunteers to add to their board for this fiscal term: 2024/2025. The existing board would like to expand the committee to continue chapter operations, activities, and help build the volunteer pipeline into the future. 

If you benefit from your IMA membership and enjoy being a part of the finance and accounting community, please consider volunteering and serving on the board! 

This is a great leadership opportunity at any stage in your professional career journey. With your help we can deliver engaging programs and events, continue networking, offer mentoring, community service opportunities, and so much more!

Please complete the google form found in this link and submit your response.